Sister Marie Madeleine Iskandar and Sister Celine Nohra traveled to Glen allen, VA on Friday April 1. Msgr. George Sebaali and Mrs. Cathy George from Saint Anthony's Maronite Church invited Sister Madeleine to be the retreat master for a one-day women's retreat, and Sister Celine to be the speaker for the regional MYO retreat held at the parish.

Sister Madeleine discussed purity of heart with the ladies and how to be obedient to the word of God in every day life. The Maronite youth reflected with Sister Celine on the meaning of having a friendship with God and how to be true friends to God and others. Real friendship, they found out, requires having a positive image of one's self, of God and of the other person. They enjoyed their time together as well as all the spiritual and fun activities prepared for them. Local youth advisors, Cathy George, Carmen Dailey and Mike Maynes assisted with group discussions and games. They were instrumental in ensuring that the weekend and program went smoothly for all the participating youths. Msgr. George Sebaali celebrated the closing liturgy on Sunday morning. The youths left knowing that, as friends of God, they are called to be the image of God in the world by making good choices and helping others to come closer to Jesus as did the four friends of the paralyzed man.