I thought it was noteworthy and quite exciting for this kind of exhibit to show in major cities. In a world that is often corrupted by violence and distracted by noise, here comes a silent witness with a life-giving message; A message that resonates Elijah’s experience of God who was not present in the strong wind or earthquake or fire but in the gentle and quiet breeze (1 Kings 19:11-12). Religious women are often like that unnoticed breeze that refreshes the soul thirsty for justice, for meaning and for gospel values. Like Mary, they bring God to the world, reminding people that only God gives meaning to our life and peace to our hearts.
As I was navigating through the exhibit, I was amazed by the impact religious communities had on American history. They transformed societies through service and advocacy, playing a major role in national crisis such as wars, epidemics and natural disasters. There were several displays of stories of powerful and courageous women, armed with unconditional love and untiring hope; women who gave their lives completely to God and placed their trust in his words. They faithfully served the communities they belonged to, responding to the needs of people of every cultural, religious and social background. Some were American born women, such as Elizabeth Ann Seaton, the first American-born saint, and Sister Dorothy Kazel, the Cleveland Ursuline who was murdered in El Salvadore in 1980 along with two MaryKnoll sisters and a lay missionary. Others were brave immigrants such as Mother Cabrini and Saint Angela Merici of Italy, who established religious communities here in the United States and whose influence continues to this day. Some stories are recognized only by few, others are more famous. Yet, many stories remain untold and more unfold each day. Stories of unknown religious women, sacrificing their lives for the sake of others, impacting generations of faith, helping women and men, Christians and non-Christians.

Submitted by Sister Celine