Following the words of Jesus and the example of Saint Anthony the Great,
we, the Antonine Sisters, leave everything behind to follow God, our sole treasure.
The life that we received from God we give back to Him through service and devotion.
Like Mary, the first consecrated woman, we live joyfully to proclaim the greatness of the Lord
who is the Way, the Truth and the Life.


Religious Gathering

Our community joined several other religious for the Diocese of Youngstown Religious Jubilee Celebration last week. The afternoon started with an informal gathering for registration and refreshments followed by a presentation by Sister Rita Mary Harwood, SND. By sharing stories from her own religious life and experience, Sister Rita Mary stated that the life of each religious sings of the faithfulness of the Lord and that all that God requires is sufficient love and trust on our part to complete the journey. The celebration concluded with Divine Liturgy, with Bishop George Murry, S.J. presiding. Bishop Murry thanked all the jubilarians for their commitment to loving and serving our Lord and he invited all the faithful to increase their prayers for vocations to priesthood, religious life and the deaconate.


The Holy Season of Lent

Today, our Maronite Catholic Church starts the season of Great lent. As it has been the tradition, it is a season of fasting, praying and almsgiving, a time and an opportunity for the soul to come closer to God, its creator. As our community begins its lenten journey, we pray that this may be a season of holiness and grace pleasing to God. May it bring light into the darkness of our world. May our prayers and sacrifices be for the glory of God who gives strength to the faithful and salvation to the souls in need. To God be glory for ever. Amen.  
"Lord and Master of my life, take from me the spirit of laziness, discouragement, love of power and idle talk.
Instead grant to me, Your servant, the spirit of purity, humility, patience and love. Yes, Lord and King, grant me the grace to be aware of my own sins and refrain from judging others; for You are blessed forever. Amen." (Lenten Prayer, Saint Ephrem the Syriac)


MYO Regional Workshop

Three of us joined over 150 youths and advisors for the MYO Regional Workshop at Saint Sharbel Church in Michigan this past weekend. The workshop's talks, sessions, activities and prayers centered around the theme "Rooted in Christ". Father Gary George, youth office director, presented a talk on Internet use while Father Tony Massad and Deacon William George discussed relationships. Sister Celine and a couple youth advisors led a talk on spirituality and how to enhance one's spiritual life. The youths, grouped according to age, showed genuine interest in the discussions and interacted well with the speakers. There was a time for prayer, a time for learning and a time for having fun. We sure hope that our youths went back home with enough spiritual nourishment to last them throughout the year.